Category Archives: Everything Else

Fragile Rotating Cuffs

By | April 15, 2004

A little over a week ago, I stood up at my desk after a long day of working from home. I had probably been hunched over the keyboard for far too long. I clasped my hands behind my back and pulled my shoulders back sharply. This often results in a slight popping sound that makes… Read More »

Free WiFi at Ultimate Grounds

By | April 10, 2004

Ultimate Grounds on Park Blvd in Oakland offers free wireless Internet access! While working from home last week, I stopped by Ultimate Grounds for a cup of coffee. I brought my laptop along, hoping that either they or someone living nearby had an open hotspot. Thanks to Ultimate Grounds’ open WiFi connection, I was able… Read More »

Rumsy on the Hot Seat

By | March 16, 2004 Rumsfeld Faces The Nation, And Stammers Donald Rumsfield is learning that if you make enough really bad decisions and then later lie about them in public to cover them up, the lies eventually come back to haunt you. During an interview on “Face the Nation” Rumsfeld choked out a denial that he or the… Read More »


By | March 7, 2004

As I reported last October, when I returned from a 10-day trip and turned my PC on, the main hard drive just made clicking sounds and Windows XP failed to boot. Oddly enough, if I left the machine on long enough and attempted to reboot it enough times, the Linux GRUB boot loader on the… Read More »

Terrorist, The 21st Century Nazi

By | February 24, 2004 – Education chief’s ‘terrorist’ remark ignites fury – Feb. 24, 2004 Education Secretary Rod Paige’s most newsworthy action so far (who knew this Administration even had an Education Secretary?) was to embarrass himself by declaring that the National Education Association, the union for 2.7 million school teachers, was a terrorist organization. While I’m glad… Read More »

Links and Notes

By | February 17, 2004

ComfortStand – Music label producing interesting, free, downloadable music. I had wondered whatever happened to the brilliant R. Stevie Moore. SIPWiki – Dave Beckemeyer’s Wiki contains lots of good overview info (plus more) about SIP Vertigo Then and Now – Still photos from the movie Vertigo compared with recent still photos of the same locations… Read More »

Coder or Killer?

By | October 31, 2003

I just scored 3 out of 10 on a quiz where you decide based on a photo whether someone is a programming language inventor or a serial killer. My first correct answer was for a photo of Phil Wadler. Since I know Phil and I used to work with him, one would hope that I… Read More »

Blaire Heart Scare

By | October 20, 2003

Tony Blair and David Blaine, or is that David Blair and Tony Blaine, were both diagnosed with and treated for an irregular heartbeat. Both were similarly diagnosed with, but not yet treated for, irregular decision making.

Hated in Their Nation – Bush and Blair

By | October 1, 2003

It was close for a while, but I think that Tony Blair has taken a clear lead over George Bush in being most hated in his own nation. I was aware of some level of backlash against Blair before I got to London, but the English (possibly motivated by what’s going on in California) are… Read More »

Exchange Rate Considered Brutal

By | September 26, 2003

I’m in London right now, and the exchange rate between the US dollar and the British pound is absolutely brutal. It’s about $1.65 to £1. Hey, typing £ is much easier on an English keyboard. And just for the heck of it, €. The trip so far, other than the afternoon recurrence of jetlag poison,… Read More »