Not a mad German, actually, but mad skills (I refuse to write skillz, damn it, I just did) demonstrated by a German woman from Universität Würzburg. She performs some amazing stunts while riding a fixie in a gymnasium. I’ve seen guys do some of this stuff on stunt bikes, but I think it’s a lot easier on a small bike that is built for stunts. Not that I would really know. My best stunt was doing a stoppie on my road bike while skidding through an intersection past the hood of a car that almost cut me off. Maybe that and fishtailing around a dog that ran directly in front of me in the street as I was coming down a 11 percent slope at about 35 miles per hour. Don’t tell my mother about either of those.
I think she is performing at some kind of end of semester event at the university. I tried to understand the conversation in German at the beginning, but they weren’t talking loud enough for me to understand much of it.