I received my check for $13.86 a couple days ago as part of the settlement of the Compact Disc Minimum Advertised Price Antitrust Litigation. I thought about using it to buy some blank CD-Rs, but I discovered a better option. I donated my check to the EFF.
Okay, so I’m going to cash the actual check, but I’m donating tonight an equal amount to the EFF via DonateMyMusicCheck.com, a site graciously set up and run by Marc Freedman. If you’re willing to PayPal the donation, 100% of it goes to the EFF if you have a balance on your PayPal account or if it draws on a checking account.
As member #323 of the EFF (and I’ve got the original membership card to prove it), I felt obligated to contribute my check. If you haven’t joined the EFF, please consider doing so. The EFF is a powerful organization helping to protect our digital rights. Plus, they participate in cool events like Digital Mix.